Finance Minister KM Mani tabled the budget for the next fiscal. The CPI (M)-led Opposition had threatened that Mani, who is facing bribery charges in the bar licence scandal, would not be allowed to present the budget.
Kerala Assembly
However, tension continued in the assembly even after Mani managed to table the budget after reading it out for five minutes without mike. Scuffle continued among the legislators of the ruling and the opposition benches. Some of the Opposition members collapsed on the floor of the assembly in the melee.
The Opposition members had created unruly scenes on the floor of the assembly in the morning in a bid to prevent Mani from entering into the assembly. From early morning, they were sitting on the floor of the assembly with the women legislators positioned just in front of the official seat of Mani. Around 9 am, when Mani was slated to enter the hall, opposition lawmakers rushed to the door of the assembly. In the process, LDF legislators engaged in a scuffle with the security staff at the assembly.
The opposition also stormed onto the dais of the speaker and threw away the mike. Several CPI (M) legislators were seen moving within the Assembly like country goons. They walked over the seats and tried to jump over the cordon created by the security staff.
Kerala Assembly
However, tension continued in the assembly even after Mani managed to table the budget after reading it out for five minutes without mike. Scuffle continued among the legislators of the ruling and the opposition benches. Some of the Opposition members collapsed on the floor of the assembly in the melee.
The Opposition members had created unruly scenes on the floor of the assembly in the morning in a bid to prevent Mani from entering into the assembly. From early morning, they were sitting on the floor of the assembly with the women legislators positioned just in front of the official seat of Mani. Around 9 am, when Mani was slated to enter the hall, opposition lawmakers rushed to the door of the assembly. In the process, LDF legislators engaged in a scuffle with the security staff at the assembly.
The opposition also stormed onto the dais of the speaker and threw away the mike. Several CPI (M) legislators were seen moving within the Assembly like country goons. They walked over the seats and tried to jump over the cordon created by the security staff.