Lahore High Court Lahore

Lahore High Court Lahore

Advertisement No. 1/2014/RHC/C0-1

On Line Application 
are invited, on prescribed form, from the eligible candidates domiciled in Punjab possessing the following qualification as prescribed in the Punjab Judicial Service for appointment against forty (40) Permanent posts (5% reserved for female and 1% disable quota) of Addition District and Sessions Judges(like to increase):
(i) He possesses a degree in Law from a recognized university entitling him to practice the professions of law or is a Member of the faculty of advocate of Scotland
(ii) A practicing Advocate of High Court and with minimum practice of ten years; or
(iii) A senior Civil judge or civil judge-cum Magistrate with ten years service experience having no adverse entry in his per and subject to production of prior permissions from the High Court.
Age: Not less than 35 years Service and not more than 45 years on 04.10.2014
Pay: BS-20 plus admissible allowances
Syllabus:- The written examination shall be for nine compulsory subjects for all the candidates. All papers shall be subjective in nature. There are no optional subjects. A candidate shall answer the paper in English except the paper at Sr. No. 9 Time allowed for each paper shall be 3 hours. The Subjects and maximum marks allocated to each subject shall be as shown below;